Silk pillowcases seem to have gained a reputation as being very high-end, but what is behind the hype? Many people just assume that they are going to get a similar look to traditional silk pillows without paying much of a price. It's actually surprising how many times these silk pillows are found in the home, not because they are particularly high-end, but because many people just don't know that they don't have a choice. Unless you want to pay several hundred dollars for a high-end silk pillowcase, you're pretty much stuck with purchasing a traditional silk pillow. Read more details about these silk pillowcases as well as their costs on this site.
But if you really want to keep costs down, there is no reason to avoid silk pillowcases altogether. In fact, there are some excellent benefits to skincare that come from using these luxurious pieces of fabric. First, silk pillowcases tend to be excellent heat regulating devices, meaning that no flipping your pillow over in freezing to make it warmer. Also, silk pillowcases can help prevent wrinkles by providing structure to the skin, allowing for increased elasticity and less skin damage due to gravity. Finally, silk pillowcases can be used as an anti-wrinkle barrier for your bedding. So, while they may cost more up front, they can save you money in the long run by preventing wrinkles and improving your sleep hygiene.
When shopping for silk pillowcases, you should understand that they are usually made from natural, smooth, spun, or semi-spun fibers that are dyed to imitate silk fibers. Depending on the manufacturer, most of them are made from a combination of polyester and acrylic to create the appearance of silk. If they are all real, then the surface is usually treated with a UV protective coating to make it softer and more durable. This is also why you'll find silk pillowcases in most discount stores - because they do not use the rayon or acrylic fibers as some other types of cotton fibers do. Read this blog explaining the benefits of silk pillowcases on your hair.
There are many types of silk pillowcases, but they all fall into one of two categories. Those made from pure, real Merino wool fibers are among the best. Other options include man-made blends of silk and polyester, such as: virgin coconut oil blend, silk and polyester, and silk and cotton. Satin is a close second, but the best types will combine both satin and mulberry fibers, giving them extra softness without sacrificing the silk's strength. Since the fibers are very similar, there is very little noticeable difference between the various blends.
When comparing silk pillowcases to traditional pillow cases, we can look at a few differences that might make silk pillowcases a better choice for many people. Silk is hypoallergenic, which makes it safer for sensitive skin; the smooth surface keeps hair from sliding around on the pillowcase, avoiding tangles; and because there is less friction, silk pillowcases cause less irritation to the skin. You might also like the fact that they are usually machine washable, even when made of 100% pure Merino wool. While regular pillowcases require washing, only the most delicate fabrics need to be hand-washed to remove the dirt.
You may have some concerns about allergic reactions to silk pillowcases, but those worries are likely to be unfounded. Allergic reactions to any kind of skincare product are pretty rare, especially when the products are made from natural ingredients. Most people who develop an allergy to skincare products rarely know what all they are reacting to, so it's better to check with your doctor before buying a new silk pillowcase. If you have sensitive skin, though, you should definitely avoid the natural Merino wool blends, since they are the most likely to cause skin irritation. You can also find organic versions of silk pillowcases, which have none of the irritating components. Check out this related post to get more enlightened on the topic: